If You are Looking to Rent a Bench Press in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!

2022年3月17日 │
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Hello to you all!

I hope you are all doing well.

Currently Japan is still in a epidemic where there are around 2,000 new cases of COVID-19.

Before it was just about 200 people per day.

So there are still many working from home.

GYMs are closed as well in many places.

So don’t let that muscle you build up previously go to waste with this bench Press.

Bench Press SPO-353E

As you probably know, exercising is great for the body and mind.

You release stress by working out, and build muscle as well.

Releasing stress from work is a great way to keep happy and fulfilled throughout the day.

Not to mention you will look good as well!

Sand Bag SPO-196E

Punching bags are probably what you think about when you think workingout.

A very great way to do cardio while looking cool.

It also has real world applications just in case you get into trouble.

Excersize Parachute SPO-322E

Is your body getting used to running?

Change things up by adding resistance to your training.

You will build stamina and lose weight at the same time!

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We are here to help.

Event 21 Homepage:
https://event21.co.jp/event_company.htm (English)
https://event21.co.jp/ (Japanese)







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