If You are Looking for Fun Lotto Games in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!

2021年11月9日 │
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Hello to you all!

I hope you are all doing well.

With the holiday seasons here, there will be a lot of family get-togethers.

Most likely you will be having parties with friends, relatives or with just your family.

Why not increase the excitement than with a lotto game from Event21.

We have a lot of lotto games, but one that I want to introduce is the lotto game that is popular in Japan.

The Ball Rolling Lotto game!

Lottery Machine (balls) MAT-493

This fun lottery machine with balls is very popular in Japan.

Spin the machine and if you get the golden ball, you get the main prize.

The machine comes in small, normal, big and golden color.

Roulette Board (9 spots) MAT-042

Another game that can be played like a lottery.

Spin the wheel and see what number you land on.

You can designate what prizes, or punishment, you get on the numbers.

Air Lottery (table top) MAT-176

Another popular lottery game around the world is the Air Lottery.

Put a bunch of paper slips in the box, use air to spin them all around.

The person needs to grab one or as much as they can in a time limit.

If you are looking or if you know someone that is planning to do any rentals or events here in Japan, please let us know, or tell them about us.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We are here to help.

Event 21 Homepage:
https://event21.co.jp/event_company.htm (English)
https://event21.co.jp/ (Japanese)







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